Youth Prevention
This course is designed for both prevention and early intervention for students who are considering or experimenting with any form of nicotine. All types of tobacco and nicotine are addressed including vaping, e-cigarettes, and chewing tobacco. Students are presented with several facts, stories and questions that help them see clearly the risks associated with vaping and other forms of nicotine.
Boundaries – Dating Violence Prevention is a cognitive awareness course designed to help teens become safer and more aware of their own and other boundaries. It is written in a story format as it follows individual lives and consequences of both victims and perpetrators. It is also a short course on Constitutional rights that protect people from abuse and their pursuits to happiness. It is one of several short courses that all come together to help teens navigate the many difficult obstacles they face and stay out of harms way into adulthood.
Bullying Prevention is a cognitive life skills course for students written in a story format that follows the lives of those being bullied and and those doing the bullying. The course highlights the consequences for both the victim and perpetrator. The objective is to demonstrate the serious problems associated with bullying in its many forms. The course defines bullying and helps students become self-aware of their potential to bully or become a victim of bullying.
This is an evidence-based course that demonstrates the risks of substance abuse for high school students and teenagers. It is based on over 30 years of working with juvenile substance abuse offenders. This course follows the lives of real individuals that have struggled with their chemical addictions demonstrating their victories and defeats. This course is presented in 4 units, and takes approximately 4 to 6 hours to complete.
The Distracted Driver course is ideal for teenagers and young adults who find it challenging to manage distractions and specifically technology distractions while driving a motor vehicle. This is not a standard traffic program nor is it a traffic education program; rather, it is a cognitive awareness course that helps students develop a safety-first mindset while operating a moving vehicle. This course offers insights and awareness that increase driver responsibility.
This course is written in a story format and focuses on interpersonal and job seeking skills that can be used for a lifetime. Most high school students and teenagers have the physical skills to become successful at work, but are often deficient in the cognitive skills that must come first. If students never elevate their thinking, they can never elevate their behavior. This course is delivered in 4 units, and take approximately 4 to 6 hours to complete.

This cognitive life skills course for school students was written in a story format and demonstrates the warnings and dangers of the internet. It helps students understand social footprints and take more caution and personal responsibility for their online behavior. The course has a section on the cyber bullying and addictions to video games. It is a timely course for naïve, immature teenagers who are not fully cognizant, and a wake-up call for parents. This course is presented in 4 units, and takes approximately 4 to 6 hours to complete.
This Leadership course for teens focuses on the cognitive thinking skills that develop good leadership skills and how these skills can influence others in a positive way. It is a work of historical fiction and follows the lives of Marty and others as they learn and implement the principles and top-tier requirements for leading and influencing others.
This course does not focus on the political or scientific differences that surround marijuana use, rather it focuses on the deep seated thinking errors that are associated with marijuana abuse. Participants are given an opportunity for self-discovery as they read and respond to real stories of how marijuana abuse has affected real lives. Tangible solutions and increased awareness can help participants avoid the negative consequences that are connected to marijuana abuse. This course is suitable for both juveniles and adults.
This is our foundational cognitive life skills course for students and teenagers. It is highly recommended to take this course in conjunction with the other topic specific courses. But if you are looking for a general course that addresses many common thinking errors such as anger avoidance and self-esteem, then is a good fit. It is 52 pages within 8 units, and takes approximately 16 to 18 hours to complete.
This course is not sex education; rather, a cognitive awareness course of natural human sexuality, written in story format. Serendipity means “happy accident” or finding something good or useful while not specifically looking for it. This small course can be serendipitous; good and useful. The increased awareness can be an unsuspected gem of protection for youth as they struggle with changing bodies and sexuality. This course is delivered in 4 units, and takes approximately 4 to 6 hours to complete.
Truancy Prevention is a course of self discovery that focuses on the thinking errors that lead to truancy and dropping out of school. This is not an educational program, rather a cognitive restructuring course that works in the cognitive domain to challenge faulty thinking and the affective domain to build self-esteem. It is course that helps students with their social, emotional, and academic progress.